Dana is a PhD Candidate in the Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability and the Centre for Sustainable Food Systems at UBC Farm (CSFS). Broadly, her research centres on pathways to agroecology, food sovereignty, and climate justice. Her doctoral research, supervised by Dr. Hannah Wittman, investigates the determinants of agroecological farming in Brazil, as well as barriers and enabling factors that affect farmers’ uptake of agroecological management practices.
Dana graduated from Penn State University’s Schreyer Honors College in 2013 with dual degrees in Environmental Resource Management and Community, Environment, and Development, and dual minors in International Agriculture and Watersheds and Water Resources. She received a 2013 US-UK Fulbright award to attend Newcastle University, where she completed her MPhil in Geography.
Dana’s academic and public scholarship at UBC are supported by a Vanier CGS Award; UBC’s Public Scholar Initiative, Four Year Doctoral Fellowship, and International Tuition Award; the Liu Institute for Global Issues; Mitacs; P.E.O. International; and SSHRC.
You can contact her at: dana.james [at] ubc.ca