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Hollie Grant


Hollie Grant is a PhD student in the Faculty of Forestry.  Her research interests include conflict and violence related to natural resources with a focus on Cambodia, politics of the environment in Southeast Asia, environmental justice, environmentally-induced displacement, and the ‘Development industry’ around natural resource management. She is co-supervised by Philippe Le Billon (Geography) and Rob Kozak (Forestry).

After graduating from the University of Durham (UK) with a First Class degree in Natural Sciences (Anthropology and Ecology), Hollie volunteered with Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO).  She was partnered with a local environmental NGO in rural Cambodia, and through her work, developed an interest in the social impacts of illegal logging and post-conflict forest management.  After returning to the UK in 2010, Hollie gained an MPhil in Development Studies from the University of Oxford.  Her thesis explored the political ecology of flood-induced displacement and resettlement in the Zambezi Valley of Mozambique, for which she undertook three months of independent research in rural Mozambique.

Hollie has previously worked with UNDP, Oxfam GB, and Pact. She also holds the Canadian Rhodes Scholars’ Foundation scholarship.

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice
Ecologies of Social Difference Social Justice

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