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Ecologies of Social Difference Network Bibliography

Anderson, E., K. Findlater, O. Freeman, J. Levine, C. Morinville, M. Peloso, L. Rodina, G. Singh, D. Tesfamichael, L. Harris, & H. Zerriffi. Bridging Disciplinary and Professional Divides to Improve International Development Research at Universities. (2012). In W. Leal (Ed.), Sustainable Development at Universities: New Horizons. Peter Lang Publishers: Frankfurt, Germany, 753-770.

Asfaw, T. & Satterfield, T. (2010). Gender Relations in Local-Level Dispute Settlement in Ethiopia’s Zeghie Penninsula. Human Ecology Review, 17, 160-174

Bakker, K., & Hendriks, R. (2019). Contested Knowledges in Hydroelectric Project Assessment: The Case of Canada’s Site C Project. WATER, 11(3). https://doi.org/10.3390/w11030406

Bakker, K. (2012). Water Security: Research challenges and opportunities. Science, 337, 914-915.

Bakker, K. (2011). The human right to water revisited. In Sultana, F., Budds, J. and Loftus, A.   (Eds.) The Right to Water. London: Earthscan, 19 – 44.

Bakker, K. (2010). Privatizing Water: Governance failure and the world’s water crisis. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.

Bakker, K. (2006). (Ed.)EAU Canada: The future of Canada’s water. Vancouver: UBC Press.

Bakker, K. (2007). Trickle Down? Private Sector participation and pro-poor water supply debate in Jakarta, Indonesia. Geoforum, 38, 855 – 868.

Bakker, K. (2003). A Political Ecology of Water Privatization. Studies in Political Economy,  70, 35 – 58.

Beaudoin, J., Bouthillier, L., Bulkan, J., Nelson, H., Trosper, R., & Wyatt, S. (2016). What does “First Nation deep roots in the forests” mean? Identification of principles and objectives for promoting forest-based development. CANADIAN JOURNAL OF FOREST RESEARCH, 46(4), 508–519. https://doi.org/10.1139/cjfr-2015-0170

Bennett, N., Ban, N., Schuhbauer, A., Splichalova, D., Eadie, M., Vandeborne, K., McIsaac, J., Angel, E., Charleson, J., Gavenus, E., Harper, S., Satterfield, T., Sutcliffe, T., & Sumaila, R. (2021). Access rights, capacities and benefits in small-scale fisheries: Insights from the Pacific Coast of Canada. MARINE POLICY, 130. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpol.2021.104581

Bennett, N., & Satterfield, T. (2018). Environmental governance: A practical framework to guide design, evaluation, and analysis. CONSERVATION LETTERS, 11(6). https://doi.org/10.1111/conl.12600

Bulkan, J. & Palmer, J.R. (2009). Scientific forestry and degraded forests: the story of Guiana Shield forests. In N. L. Whitehead and S. W. Aleman, (Eds.) Anthropologies of Guayana: cultural spaces in Northeastern Amazonia. Tuscson: University of Arizona Press, 74-89.

Bulkan, J. & Palmer, J.R. (2008). Breaking the rings of forest corruption: steps towards better forest governance. Forests, Trees & Livelihoods, 18, 103-131.

Bulkan, J. & Bulkan, A. (2008). ‘Protector of Indians’: assessing Walter Roth’s legacy in policy towards Amerindians in Guyana. In R. McDougall and I. Davidson, (Eds.) The Roth Family: Anthropology and Colonial Administration. UCL Press

Caverley, N., Lyall, A., Pizzirani, S., & Bulkan, J. (2020). Articulating Indigenous Rights Within the Inclusive Development Framework: An Assessment of Forest Stewardship Policies and Practices in British Columbia, Canada. SOCIETY & NATURAL RESOURCES, 33(1), 25–45. https://doi.org/10.1080/08941920.2019.1597237

Chan, K., Satterfield, T., & Goldstein, J. (2012). Rethinking Ecosystem Services to Better Address and Navigate Cultural Values. Ecological Economics, 74, 8-18

Chan, K. & Satterfield, T. (2008).  Justice, equity, and biodiversity.  In S. Levin et al. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Biodiversity.  San Diego, CA: Elsevier Inc.

Collard, R., Dempsey, J., & Holmberg, M. (2020). Extirpation despite regulation? Environmental assessment and caribou. CONSERVATION SCIENCE AND PRACTICE, 2(4). https://doi.org/10.1111/csp2.166

Collard, R., Dempsey, J., & Sundberg, J. (2015). A Manifesto for Abundant Futures, Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 105(2): 322-330.

Cook, C. & Bakker, K. (2012). Water Security: Debating an emerging paradigm. Global Environmental Change, 22(1), 94-102.

Conti, J., Satterfield, T., & Harthorn, B. (2011). Vulnerability and Social Justice as Factors in Emergent US Nanotechnology Risk Perceptions. Risk Analysis, 31(11), 1734-1748.

da Silva, D. (2018). Hacking the Subject Black Feminism and Refusal beyond the Limits of Critique. PHILOSOPHIA-A JOURNAL OF CONTINENTAL FEMINISM, 8(1), 19–41.

Donatuto, J., Satterfield, T., & Gregory, R. (2011). Poisoning the body to nourish the soul: Prioritizing health risks and impacts in a Native American Community. Health, Risk and Society, 13(2), 103-12.

Gibb, N. & Wittman, H. (2013). Parallel alternatives: Chinese-Canadian farmers and the Metro Vancouver local food movement. Local Environment, 18(1), 1–19.

Harris, L. (2014). Imaginative Geographies of Green: Environmental Narratives and Socio- spatial Difference in Contemporary Turkey of the Association of American Geographers 104 (4) 801-815.

Harris, L. (2005). Negotiating Inequalities: Democracy, Gender, and the Politics of Difference in Water User Groups in Southeastern Turkey. In F. Adaman and M. Arsel (Eds.) Turkish Environmentalism: Between Democracy and Development, Aldershot, Ashgate, 185-200

Harris, L. (2006). Irrigation, Gender, and Social Geographies of Waterscape Evolution in Southeastern Turkey. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 24(2), 187 – 213.

Harris, L. (2008). Modernizing the Nation: Postcolonialism, (Post)Development, and Ambivalent Spaces of Difference in Southeastern Turkey. Geoforum, 39(5), 1698-1708.

Harris, L. (2008). Water Rich, Resource Poor: Intersections of Gender, Poverty and Vulnerability in Newly Irrigated Areas of Southeastern Turkey. World Development, 36(12), 2643-2662.

Harris, L. (2009). Gender and Emergent Water Governance: Comparative Overview of Neoliberalized Natures and Gender Dimensions of Privatization, Devolution, and Marketization. Gender, Place and Culture, 16(4), 387 – 408.

Harris, L. (2011). Neo(liberal) citizens of Europe: politics, scales, and visibilities of environmental citizenship in contemporary Turkey. Citizenship Studies, 15(6-7), 837-859.

James, D., Bowness, E., Robin, T., McIntyre, A., Dring, C., Desmarais, A., & Wittman, H. (2021a). Dismantling and rebuilding the food system after COVID-19: Ten principles for redistribution and regeneration. Journal of Agriculture Food Systems and Community Development, 10(2), 29–51. https://doi.org/10.5304/jafscd.2021.102.019

Kennedy, E., & Givens, J. (2019). Eco-habitus or Eco-powerlessness? Examining Environmental Concern across Social Class. SOCIOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVES, 62(5), 646–667. https://doi.org/10.1177/0731121419836966

Kennedy, E., & Horne, C. (2020). Accidental environmentalist or ethical elite? The moral dimensions of environmental impact. POETICS, 82. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.poetic.2020.101448

Kleiber, D., Harris, L. & Vincent, A, (2014). Gender and Small-Scale Fisheries: a case for counting women and beyond. Fish and Fisheries.

Kleiber, D., Harris, L., & Vincent, A. (2014). Improving Fisheries Estimates by Including Women’s Catch in the Central Philippines. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 71 (5): 656-664.

Kleiber, D., Blight, L. K., Caldwell, I. R., & Vincent, A. C. J. (2011). The importance of seahorses and pipefishes in the diet of marine animals. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 21(2), 205- 223.

Kleiber, D., Harris, L. M., Vincent, A. C. J., & Rochet, M. (2014). Improving fisheries estimates by including women’s catch in the central philippines. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, , 1-9. doi:10.1139/cjfas-2013-0177

Kleiber, D., Harris, L.M., & Vincent, A.C.J. (2014b). Gender and small-scale fisheries: a case for counting women and beyond. Fish and Fisheries.

Kooy, M. and Bakker, K. (2008). Technologies of Government: Constituting Subjectivities, Spaces, and Infrastructures in Colonial and Contemporary Jakarta. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 32(2), 375 – 391.

Latta, A.& H. Wittman. (2012). Environment and Citizenship in Latin America: Natures, Subjects, and Struggles. New York: Berghahn

Loo, T. (2016). High Modernism, Conflict, and the Nature of Change in Canada: A Look at Seeing Like a State. CANADIAN HISTORICAL REVIEW, 97(1), 34–58. https://doi.org/10.3138/chr.3035

Loo, T. (2019). Who Controls the Hunt? First Nations, Treaty Rights, and Wildlife Conservation in Ontario, 1783-1939. CANADIAN HISTORICAL REVIEW, 100(1), 105–107. https://doi.org/10.3138/chr.100.1.br04

Loo, T. & Stanley, M. (2011). An Environmental History of Progress: Damming the Peace and Columbia Rivers. Canadian Historical Review, 92(3), 399-427.

Loo, T. (2007). Disturbing the Peace: Environment and Justice on a Northern River, Environmental History, 12(4), 895-919.

Loo, T. (2006). States of nature: Conserving Canada’s wildlife in the twentieth century. Vancouver, BC: University of British Columbia Press

Loo, T. (2004). People in the Way: Modernity, Environment, and Society on the Arrow Lakes. BC Studies: The British Columbian Quarterly, 142(3), 161-196.

Loo, T. (2001). Of Moose and Men: hunting for masculinities in British Columbia, 1880 – 1939. Western Historical Quarterly, 32, 296 – 319.

Low, M. & Shaw, K. (2011). Indigenous Rights and Environmental Governance: Lessons from the Great Bear Rainforest. BC Studies, 172, 9-33

Mawani, R. (2020). Empire and Ecology in the Bengal Delta: The Making of Calcutta. LAW CULTURE AND THE HUMANITIES, 16(1), 177–180. https://doi.org/10.1177/1743872119885299

Mawani, R. (2009). Colonial Proximities: Crossracial Encounters and Juridical Truths in British Columbia, 1871-1921. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.

Mawani, R. (2007). Legalities of nature: Law, empire, and wilderness landscapes in Canada. Social Identities, 13(6),715-734.

Mawani, R. (2005). Genealogies of the Land: Aboriginality, Law, and Territory in Vancouver’s Stanley Park. Social & legal studies, 14(3), 315-339.

Mawani, R. (2003). Imperial Legacies (Post) Colonial Identities: Law, Space and the Making of Stanley Park, 1859-2001. Law Text Culture, 7, 98-141.

Morales, M. & Harris, L. (2014). Using Subjectivity and Emotion to Reconsider Participatory Natural Resource Management World Development 64, 703-712..

Morales, M., Harris, L., & Öberg, G. (2014). Citizenshit: The Right to Flush and the Urban Sanitation Imaginary. Environment and Planning A. 46 (12): 2816-2833.

Morinville, C. & Harris, L. (2014). Participation, Politics and Panaceas: Exploring the possibilities and limits of participatory urban water governance in Accra, Ghana Ecology and Society Ecology and Society 19(3): 36.

Morinville, C., & L. Rodina. (2013). Rethinking the Human Right to Water: Water Access  and Dispossession in Botswana’s Central Kalahari Game ReserveGeoforum, 49: 150-159.

Muehlmann, S. (2009). How do real Indians fish? Neoliberal multiculturalism and contested Indigeneities in the Colorado delta. American Anthropologist, 111(4), 468-479.

Nardizzi, V. (2019). Daphne Described: Ovidian Poetry and Speculative Natural History in Gerard’s Herball. PHILOLOGICAL QUARTERLY, 98(1–2), 137–156.

Nardizzi, V. (2011). Wooden Slavery. PMLA.Publications of the Modern Language Association of America, 126(2), 313.

Raibmon, P. (2021). Assembling Unity: Indigenous Politics, Gender, and the Union of BC Indian Chiefs. NAIS-NATIVE AMERICAN AND INDIGENOUS STUDIES ASSOCIATION, 8(1), 212–213. https://doi.org/10.5749/natiindistudj.8.1.0212

Ramon-Hidalgo, A., Kozak, R., Harshaw, H., & Tindall, D. (2018). Differential Effects of Cognitive and Structural Social Capital on Empowerment in Two Community Ecotourism Projects in Ghana. SOCIETY & NATURAL RESOURCES, 31(1), 57–73. https://doi.org/10.1080/08941920.2017.1364454

Robertson, L. & the Kwaguł Gixsam. (2012). Standing Up with Ga’ax̱sta’las: Jane Constance Cook and the Politics of Memory, Church and Custom. Vancouver: University of British Columbia.

Satterfield, T., RobertsonL., Turner, N. & Pitts, A. (2012). Being Gitka’a’ata: A Baseline Report on the Gitka’a’ata Way of Life, a Statement of Cultural Impacts Posed by the Northern Gateway Pipeline, and a Critique of the ENGP Assessment Regarding Cultural Impacts. Gitga’at First Nation, Hartley Bay, BC.

Satterfield, T., Gregory, R., Klain, S., & Chan, K. (2013). Culture, Intangibles and Metrics in Environmental Management. Journal of Environmental Management, 117, 101-114.

Sharp, J., Sundberg, J., Williams, J., Faria, C., & Dixon, D. (2019). Feminist Geopolitics: Material States. POLITICAL GEOGRAPHY, 73, 161–167. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.polgeo.2019.01.017

Spies, J., Devisscher, T., Bulkan, J., Tansey, J., & Griess, V. (2019). Value-oriented criteria, indicators and targets for conservation and production: A multi-party approach to forest management planning. BIOLOGICAL CONSERVATION, 230, 151–168. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2018.11.022

Sundberg, J. (2014). Decolonizing posthumanist geographies. Cultural geographies, 21(1) 33– 47.

Sundberg, J. (2011). Diabolic Caminos in the desert and cat fights on the Rio: a posthumanist political ecology of boundary enforcement in the United States–Mexico borderlands. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 101(2), 318-336.

Sundberg, J. (2008). Placing race in environmental justice research in Latin America. Society and Natural Resources, 21(7), 569-582.

Sundberg, J. (2006). Conservation encounters: transculturation in the ‘contact zones’ of empire. Cultural Geographies, 13(2), 239-265.

Sundberg, J. (2004). Identities in the making: conservation, gender and race in the Maya Biosphere Reserve, Guatemala. Gender, Place & Culture, 11(1), 43-66.

Sundberg, J. (2003). Conservation and democratization: constituting citizenship in the Maya Biosphere Reserve, Guatemala. Political Geography, 22(7), 715-740.

Timko, J. & Satterfield, T. (2008). Criteria and Indicators for Evaluating Socio-Cultural and Ecological Effectiveness in National Parks and Protected Areas. Natural Areas Journal, 8(3), 307- 319.

Timko, J & Satterfield, T. (2008). Seeking Social Equity in National Parks: Experiments with Evaluation in Canada and South Africa. Conservation and Society 6(3), 1-17.

Tsering, T. (2014). Social inequality and resource management : gender, caste and class in the rural Himalayas. Vancouver: University of British Columbia.

Wilson, N., Harris, L., Joseph-Rear, A., Beaumont, J., & Satterfield, T. (2019). Water is Medicine: Reimagining Water Security through Tr’ondek Hwech’in Relationships to Treated and Traditional Water Sources in Yukon, Canada. WATER, 11(3). https://doi.org/10.3390/w11030624

Witter, R., & Satterfield, T. (2019a). Rhino poaching and the “slow violence” of conservation-related resettlement in Mozambique’s Limpopo National Park. GEOFORUM, 101, 275–284. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoforum.2018.06.003

Witter, R., & Satterfield, T. (2019b). The Ebb and Flow of Indigenous Rights Recognitions in Conservation Policy. DEVELOPMENT AND CHANGE, 50(4), 1083–1108. https://doi.org/10.1111/dech.12456

Witter, R. (2013). Elephant-induced displacement and the power of choice: Moral narratives and conservation related resettlement in Mozambique’s Limpopo National Park. Conservation & Society 11: 406-419.

Witter, R. and Satterfield, T. 2014. Invisible Losses and the Logics of Resettlement Compensation. Conservation Biology 28(5): 1394-1402.

Wittman, H. (2011). Food Sovereignty: A New Rights Framework for Food and Nature? Environment and Society: Advances in Research, 2(1), 87-105.

Wittman, H., Desmarais, A., & Wiebe, N. (2010) Food Sovereignty: Reconnecting Food, Nature and Community. Halifax: Fernwood.

Wittman, H. (2009). Reworking the metabolic rift: La Via Campesina, agrarian citizenship, and   food sovereignty. The Journal of Peasant Studies, 36(4), 805-826.

Wittman, H. & Caron, C. (2009). Carbon offsets and inequality: social costs and co-benefits in Guatemala and Sri Lanka. Society and Natural Resources, 22(8), 710-726.

Wittman, H. & Geisler, C. (2005). Negotiating locality: Decentralization and communal forest management in the Guatemalan highlands. Human Organization, 64(1), 62-74

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