Prior to joining IRES, Tatiana received her BSc in Biology from the National University of Colombia. Her previous research was focused on the Knowledge and relationship of a rural community in Quininí, Colombia with the herpetofauna of their region and on How the microhabitat and activity pattern of an Andean lizard specie (Stenocercus trachycephalus) changed across an altitudinal gradient. She was the coordinator of the Herpetology research group of the National University of Colombia (Herpetos UN) under the supervision of Dr Martha Lucia Calderón Espinoza during the year 2020. Between degrees, Tatiana worked on scientific divulgation and as a Teaching Assistant at the Data Science for All program in Colombia. In her free time, Tatiana enjoys traveling, playing sports, reading, and making youtube videos for her traveling vlog channel carol_trips.
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