An anthropologist by training and an interdisciplinarian by design. Her work concerns sustainable development in the context of debates about environmental values, risk and environmental health. Professor Satterfield studies environmental conflicts including logging disputes, biodiversity management and politics, First Nation interest in land management and regulatory contexts, the governance and perceived risk of new technologies (biotechnology and nanotechnology), and the social and cultural consequences of contamination. Professor Satterfield’s research is or has been funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, the Hampton Fund, the US National Science Foundation, the New Zealand Foundation for Research and Technology, the US EPA and Department of Energy, the World Health Organization, the Getty Conservation Institute. Dr. Satterfield’s work has been published in such journals as Nature Nanotechnology, Environmental Science and Technology, Bioscience, Ambio, Journal of Environmental Management, Risk Analysis, Global Environmental Change, Science and Public Policy, Society and Natural Resources, Ecological Economics, Environmental Values, Human Ecology Review, Ecology and Society and New Genetics and Society. She has received awards for two of her publications, including her book, The Anatomy of a Conflict (2002). Two other volumes include: Satterfield & Slovic, What’s Nature Worth, and in 2005, the Earthscan Reader in Environmental Values, Kaloff & Satterfield, as well as contributions to edited collection including a recent volume entitled The Encyclopedia of Biodiversity, and a volume on post-Cold War environments sponsored by the School of American Research.