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<a href="https://esd.sites.olt.ubc.ca/2023/12/22/event-settler-ecologies-the-nature-conservation-regime-in-palestine-israel-with-irus-braverman/" title="EVENT: Settler Ecologies: The Nature Conservation Regime in Palestine-Israel with Irus Braverman"><img src="https://esd.sites.olt.ubc.ca/files/2023/12/ESD_IrusBraverman_Talk-4-150x150.png" alt="EVENT: Settler Ecologies: The Nature Conservation Regime in Palestine-Israel with Irus Braverman" class="thumbnail thumbnail " /></a>

EVENT: Settler Ecologies: The Nature Conservation Regime in Palestine-Israel with Irus Braverman

Irus Braverman will join us to discuss her latest book, Settling Nature: The Conservation Regime in Palestine-Israel (2023, University of Minnesota Press). Drawing on more than seventy interviews with Israel’s nature officials and on observations of their work, this book explores the widespread ecological warfare practiced by the state of Israel. Recruited to the front […]

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Over the course of the pandemic, the ESD has taken a bit of a rest. The important work of our members, however, has continued, and we are excited to revitalize this group in the coming months. We invite you to consider becoming an ESD network member, or to simply subscribe to our mailing list if […]

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ESD Annotated Bibliography

Ecologies of Social Difference Bibliography The University of British Columbia’s Ecologies of Social Difference Thematic Network (Social Justice @ UBC Network) is pleased to announce the release of an initial draft of an Annotated Bibliography on the intersection of inequality/social difference and critical nature studies/political ecology/environmental justice. This bibliography highlights academic research that investigates the […]

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice
Ecologies of Social Difference Social Justice

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