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ESD Annotated Bibliography

Ecologies of Social Difference Bibliography

The University of British Columbia’s Ecologies of Social Difference Thematic Network (Social Justice @ UBC Network) is pleased to announce the release of an initial draft of an Annotated Bibliography on the intersection of inequality/social difference and critical nature studies/political ecology/environmental justice.

This bibliography highlights academic research that investigates the ways that gender, race, class, caste, and sexuality affect and shape people’s interactions with the environment. The purpose of this bibliography is to provide a resource for scholars interested in issues of social difference, inequality, and critical studies of nature/environment.

Citations have been compiled by searching various online databases. Searches were conducted using combinations of the following terms: gender, feminism, race, racism, class, caste, ethnicity, environment, political ecology, ecology. Abstracts were primarily pulled directly from journals or online publishing resources. We welcome additions to the bibliography. Please email suggestions to esd.ubc@gmail.com. This bibliography is a project of the Ecologies of Social Difference Social Justice Thematic Network at the University of British Columbia. Please see our website for other resources and further details: http://www.esd.ubc.ca

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice
Ecologies of Social Difference Social Justice

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